Enrolments now open for the next online Training Program
Our 3-year Online Training Program (2022-2024) consists of 12 Modules, 3 Projects and is available online. Comprehensive Learning Packs are supplemented with online sessions.
Upon completion of their first year of studies, Trainees receive their Certificate in Biographical Studies. Then on the completion of their second year of studies, Trainees receive their Certificate in Advanced Biographical Studies. Finally, on the completion of their final year of studies, Trainees receive their Diploma in Biographical Consultancy.
Our curriculum meets the guidelines set by the School for Spiritual Science, Goetheanum, Switzerland, and offers an holistic and comprehensive training.
With a globally diverse group of participants, sharing is a rich experience for Trainees and Tutors alike. Our common language for learning is English. Click here to download our Enrolment Form and get started with our Foundation Course.
Here are two comments from current Trainees -
I'm so happy that I decided to join the Training Program. I was amazed by the Study guide - all the knowledge I've got through studying it, the exercises, the drawings. I love our small study groups and having a feeling of being connected with people around the globe. I can hardly wait for a new module to start. (MK, Slovenia)
Only you, hold the key to unlock the mystery of your life. The Holistic Biography Work Training Program is an empowering journey of self-discovery. It invites you to understand your life story, through their comprehensive, well-researched and creatively crafted resource materials, polished over the years through experience. It offers a wide variety of interconnected artistic activities that will develop and sharpen your capacity for heightened awareness of what is essential and non-essential. A deep dive into the past, gives you a better sense of the present, and provides an anchor for your future choices. (ES, Philippines) |