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Living Way... Lebenswege... Holistic Biography Work
Biography Online - May 2020

by Karl-Heinz Finke & Laura Summerfield


Due to our personal circumstances, some dates for our on-line offerings have changed. This includes the date for the launch of the Introductory Course in Holistic Biography Work and the dates for the Foundation Workshop. See details below.

We apologise for any inconvenience. Here is the updated information. Please contact us to register for any of these courses by emailing:

We would be delighted to welcome you on any of our courses.

Thank you … Karl-Heinz Finke and Laura Summerfield


Please note:

1.      ZOOM:  Our real-time on-line offerings are interactive and facilitated by use of the ZOOM platform. Participants receive our invitation and do not need to register with ZOOM to create their own account. We went through the ZOOM settings to make it as safe and private as possible.

2.      PayPal:  Payment for courses in local currency is possible via PayPal. Participants do not need their own PayPal account, but use their Credit or Debit card for payment.

One-to-one online sessions now available

Hour-long individual consultations are available via the ZOOM platform with either Karl-Heinz Finke or Laura Summerfield. Both are experienced counsellors in working with life stories.
Flexible arrangements for appointments made for individuals in different time zones.
Payment for initial session includes a personalised copy of the Biography Log-book as an eBook.

Fee: 75 Euros, per session.

Report on recent on-line real-time Courses

Mission and Meaning
Life as a Spiritual journey. Supporting the Self in search for meaning.
Delivered from Australia to an audience in the Asian Pacidfic Time Zone

10 of us participated in this on-line weekend course in real-time (Australian Eastern Standard Time) in April. It worked very well on the ZOOM platform, with lectures, small group discussion and individual work. Time was structured so that there was variety in our activity, and we did not get over-tired. A plus was that participants could join across the region, from Japan, Australia and New Zealand. This has given us the confidence to continue with our on-line course offerings. Lectures were taped and could be made available to participants for review.

Here are a few comments from participants:

“I felt the course was really balanced and it was friendly and inclusive. I found the structure worked really well and helped me maintain my energy and interest over the weekend.” (LF, Australia)
I was not so sure if the online setting would work for biography work. But you have proven it does! I really enjoyed your workshop and had the same quality of inspiration as I usually do from the profound dialogue in a small group setting.” (MU, Japan)

“Very good content. Loved when you brought in the colour visuals.” (DL, NZ)


Foundation Workshop.
Take charge of your life.
Delivered from Australia to an audience in Taiwan and Canada

16 of us participated in this 5-day course in real-time with translation into Mandarin. It worked very well on the ZOOM platform with lectures, small group discussion and individual work.
As the majority of participants live in Taiwan, the course was delivered within their time zone.
Lectures with translation were taped and made available to participants at the end of each day.

Participants shared about the unexpected depth they experienced in their sharings in small groups of three or four in virtual breakout rooms.

Our open on-line Courses in 2020

Please visit our website to find more detailed information on the courses below.

Introductory Course in Holistic Biography Work
First steps in Biography Work. Explore your life journey.

An on-line learning package which includes a Study Guide for self-paced learning, access to taped lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke, and a copy of the Biography Log-book (in a new interactive format). Completion of this course supports participation in the on-line Modules that form part of the 3-year Course in Holistic Biography Work. On its own, it is not enough to enter the 3-year course to train as a Biography Consultant; the Foundation Workshop is required for that. However, it provides an excellent introduction to Biography Work from a holistic perspective.

Launched on Saturday 27 June at 2 different times. Register to join us for the free lecture by Karl-Heinz Finke at either of these times (with no obligation to start the Introductory Course):

13:00, AEST – suitable for time zones in Asia-Pacific region, or
22:00, AEST – suitable for time zones in Europe and USA.

Course times: Start your course at any time after 27 June 2020.
Fee:190 Euros, includes Study Guide, Biography Log-book and other learning materials.


Thriving in the 3rd Life Stage … 50+  (AEST)
Gifts and Challenges. Exploring Biographical, Social & Spiritual implications of growing older.

A weekend workshop on-line in real-time exploring aspects of biography work impacting individuals from 50 years of age onward. Pre-requisite is openness to a holistic approach to this topic.

Course times: Friday 24 July (17:00) to Sunday 26 July (16:00), Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Fee:190 Euros, includes learning materials


Mental Health Crisis  (AEST)
Biography work in learning, coaching & therapeutic settings.
Understanding the spiritual structure of human frailty.

A weekend workshop on-line in real-time for those with some background in anthroposophy or biography work. It forms part of the 3-year training Course in Holistic Biography Work and is open to other participants for personal or professional development.

Course times: Friday 31 July (17:00) to Sunday 2 August (16:00), Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Fee:190 Euros, including learning materials.


Foundation Workshop (AEST)
Take charge of your life. Apply the resources of Holistic Biography Work.

A 4-day intensive course in English introducing Holistic Biography Work is offered on-line in real-time, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). No pre-requisite to attend, other than openness to a holistic approach. This course forms part of the entry requirements into a 3-year Online and Contact Training in Holistic Biography Work. It may also be done for personal or professional development.

Course times: Thursday 20 August (09:00) to Sunday 23 August (16:00), Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Fee: 290 Euros, includes a personalised copy of the Biography Log-book (an interactive edition) and other learning materials     


3 Ways of Learning  (AEST)
Learning for life, learning from life, initiation through life. Designing holistic learning processes.

A weekend on-line workshop in real-time for those with some background in anthroposophy or biography work. Learn principles and guiding images to develop holistic adult learning and consultancy processes.
The workshop forms part of the 3-year Biography training Course in Holistic Biography Work and is open to other participants for personal or professional development.

Course times: Friday 11 September (17:00) to Sunday 13 September (16:00), Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Fee: 190 Euros, includes learning materials.


Meeting Conflict  (IST)
Polarity & diversity as a developmental challenge. Understanding the forces influencing conflicts.

A 4-day course in English offered on-line in real-time, Indian Standard Time (IST). Explores the dynamics of conflict in a range of settings. Some knowledge of anthroposophy or biography work needed. It forms part of the 3-year training Course in Holistic Biography Work and is open to other participants for personal or professional development.

Course times: Thursday 24 September to Sunday 27 June, 08:30 to 17:30, Indian Standard Time (IST).
Fee: 290 Euros, includes learning materials.


Foundation Workshop (CEST)
Take charge of your life. Apply the resources of Holistic Biography Work.

A 4-day intensive course in English introducing Holistic Biography Work is offered on-line in real-time, Central European Summer Time (CEST). No pre-requisite to attend, other than openness to a holistic approach. This course forms part of the entry requirements into a 3-year Online and Contact Training in Holistic Biography Work. It may also be done for personal or professional development.

Course times: Thursday 8 October (09:00) to Sunday 11 October (16:00), Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Fee: 290 Euros, includes a personalised copy of the Biography Log-book (an interactive edition) and other learning materials.

Biography Conference and Gatherings