Enrolments open for the next online Training Program
Our 3-year Training Program (2022-2024) consists of 12 Modules, 3 Projects and is available online. Learning Packs are supplemented with online guided group-work. Click here for a Program Summary.
Trainees work toward a Certificate in Biographical Consultancy.
With a globally diverse group of participants, sharing is a rich experience for Trainees and Tutors alike. Our common language for learning is English. Enrol now and get started with the Foundation Course. If you are just interested self-paced developmental learning process, you can purchase our Foundation Course Learning Pack.
Here are two comments from current Trainees -
I'm so happy that I decided to join the Training Program. I was amazed by the Study guide - all the knowledge I've got through studying it, the exercises, the drawings. I love our small study groups and having a feeling of being connected with people around the globe. I can hardly wait for a new module to start. (MK, Slovenia)
Only you, hold the key to unlock the mystery of your life. The Holistic Biography Work Training Program is an empowering journey of self-discovery. It invites you to understand your life story, through their comprehensive, well-researched and creatively crafted resource materials, polished over the years through experience. It offers a wide variety of interconnected artistic activities that will develop and sharpen your capacity for heightened awareness of what is essential and non-essential. A deep dive into the past, gives you a better sense of the present, and provides an anchor for your future choices. (ES, Philippines) |