Biography Online - November 2022 |
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From a misty late autumn in Berlin... |
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Good day,
In memory of Gudrun Burkhard, who passed away on 28 September 2022, at the age of 93, we would like to share the following quote. She often put it at the beginning of meetings of the Association for Biography Work. To us it sounds like a spiritual social law. At present, as we observe a lot of polarisation and fragmentation, we actively remember this counter-image: "The more people become splintered, the less noble souls will descend into the realm of humanity. The more connections are formed, and the more feelings of community are created with a notion of complete freedom, the more noble Beings can step down to humanity and the faster the Earth Planet will be spiritualised." Rudolf Steiner, GA 102, 11th lecture, 01.06.1908 |
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As the year draws to a close, we prepare for presentations and written assignments from our global Trainees.
In 2023 we welcome a new batch of first year Trainees into our 3-year Training Program. To join us, start our Foundation Course Learning Pack soon and join its online group-work sessions in January 2023.
In other news ...
- Our Adult Learning Course - Guiding Groups - is available NOW as a Learning Pack and has optional group-work sessions January 2023.
- Our Mentoring Program is accepting graduates of recognised Training Programs NOW, and begins soon.
- Our Biography Log-book is available in German, as a Print edition or eBook. Order via our Webshop.
Our warmest regards, Karl-Heinz Finke & Laura Summerfield
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Courses for Personal & Professional Development
The following 3 Courses are available for personal and professional development over next 6 months - each has a Learning Pack with optional online group-work sessions in March 2023.
Choose your course ... and email us ... Learning Pack only - 150 AUD. Total fee, including online sessions - 380 AUD
Typologies - Understanding Self & Others Exploring Temperaments, Soul Types, Qualities, Rhythms & Cycles in life.
Life Encounters & Relationships - Individual & Community Exploring the impact of people, places & situations.
Mission & Meaning - Life as a Spiritual journey Supporting the Self in search for meaning. |
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Guiding Groups Creating and Holding an Open Space
An Adult Learning course based on the work of Coenraad van Houten. Comprehensive Learning Pack - video Lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke (with Visuals), Study Guide with activities, Readings and group-work exercises. Optional 20 hours of experiential online sessions. Online: Thursday 19 to Sunday 22 January 2023, 17:00-22:00 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time). Fee: 550 AUD. Register your interest NOW.
Comments from previous participants: "The well-designed processes that guided us to prepare and work and reflect, very helpful!" "The video sessions were very in-depth and gave me new insights." "I liked the fact that the reading package was followed by four days of group work, so you could organise your own learning process and read a wealth of textual material; the four days focused on the group practice experience!"
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An introductory course exploring your individual life journey using the tools developed within Holistic Biography Work. Based on the Biography Work developed by Bernard Lievegoed, Gudrun Burkhard and Karl-Heinz Finke. A good foundation to understand the underlying theory and methodology of our courses.
Comprehensive Learning Pack - video Lectures (with Visuals). Study Guide with activities, Readings and group-work preparation, personalised copy of our Biography Log-book. And optional online group-work sessions. Next online group-work sessions: Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 January 2023 . 5 hours each day, 17:00-22:00 Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Fee: Learning Pack only 150 AUD. With online sessions 470 AUD. |
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START NOW to prepare for the first online sessions in January 2023.
An Online program for graduates of Training Programs in Biography Work (world-wide) - to consolidate knowledge and skill in applying Holistic Biography Work to life and work. Offered by Karl-Heinz Finke, assisted by Laura Summerfield. Available for Personal and/or Professional development. Recommended for those who plan to run their own courses or trainings. Mentees have access to all of the modules of our Online Training Program, and assist with the delivery of online sessions as agreed. Our Adult Learning courses are included in the fee. There are regular mentoring sessions.
Annual Fee: 1250 AUD (all inclusive), payable in instalments. |
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Online Training Program
New Intake for 2023
The 3-year Online Training Program (2023-2025) in English consists of 12 Modules. Comprehensive Learning Packs are supported with regular online sessions. For most of our Trainees English is not their first language, and they enjoy studying in a multicultural group.
Our curriculum meets the guidelines set by the School for Spiritual Science, Goetheanum, Switzerland, and offers a holistic and comprehensive training.
Pre-requisite is our Foundation Course.
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Biography Log-book
Our popular text helps you start work on your own or another's life story. Now available in German, as Biografie Log-Buch.
Buy as a Print edition or as an eBook (PDF).
Please see our Webshop for details. Cost: Print edition - 45 AUD (approx 30 EUR) includes postage and handling within Germany. eBook - 25 AUD.
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Biography Gathering - June 2023
World-Wide - Online
Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 June 2023, Lectures and small group discussion. 5 hours online on each of these 4 days.
AU (AEST) 17:00-22:00 | CN, TW 15:00-22:00 | IN 12:30-17:30 | CH, DE 09:00-14:00
Online in English, with translation into Mandarin. Please contact us, if you are willing to organise translations and group-work in other languages.
Keynote Speaker: Dr Michaela Gloeckler (3 lectures) Core Aspects of Biography Work
Guest Speaker: Dr Martha Koelman (2 lectures) An introduction to Anthroposophic Psychiatry of Body, Soul & Spirit.
Organised by: Living-way - Holistic Biography Work, Association for Holistic Biography Work (India), and Taiwan Association for the Promotion of Biography Work.
Registrations open March 2023. Fee: 90 EUR, or 60 EUR (Members/Trainees)
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Living Way... Holistic Biography Work
62 Wattle Str, Lyneham, ACT 2602, Australia
Karl-Heinz Finke –
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