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Take Charge – Biography Foundation Course

Take Charge – Reflect on your Life Journey

This Course offers a guided tour for self-reflection on your life story. You take stock by looking at your gifts, challenges and patterns from the past and how they appear in the present. Strengthening and deepening self-knowledge, this offers keys for future change and growth.
Participants take this and our other courses for personal and/or professional development. They have proven to be especially beneficial for individuals working in social, therapeutic, educational and organisational settings.

This course is the prerequisite for joining our 3-year Online Training Program. The training provides essential skills, theory and resources for offering Biographical Consultations, or to blend biography work with other social, educational, therapeutic or consultancy professions.

The course is available as a Learning Pack only, or with optional online real-time sessions in facilitated small groups.

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Course Aims

  • Understand the archetypal life journey of the human being.
  • Use the framework and resources of Holistic Biography Work to depict the course of a personal life journey.

Course Details

  • 60 hours of self-paced study with our comprehensive Learning PackStudy Guide, recorded video Lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke, Readings and Activities. Includes main text – a personalised copy of our Biography Log-book.
  • 20 hours of online sessions – with facilitated small group sharing (optional, except for potential Trainees)
  • Available for personal or professional development as a stand-alone course.

Main Topics

  • History of Biography Work.
  • Incarnation and Excarnation.
  • 3-foldness of the human being.
  • Development of consciousness.
  • 4-foldness of the human being.
  • Using the Life Panorama Chart and Septennial Charts to map life data.
  • Development and learning via support and challenges.
  • Typical challenges in Physical and Soul development years.
  • Typical challenges in Spiritual and Transpersonal years.
  • The Life Panorama Chart as a diagnostic tool.
  • 4-level Observation process.
  • Questions to reflect on personal life data – including Birth signature, Life encounters, Forming decisions, significant events and turning points.
  • Creative activities, mainly drawing, assist in gaining insight into life themes.
  • Creating a River of Life drawing as an overview of a life journey.
  • Considering life mission.
  • Vision for the future.

Course Goals

  • Encourage understanding and analysis of life data within the framework of Holistic Biography Work.
  • Create a personal life overview, using a range of tools and resources.
  • Encourage and support self-reflection and independent learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • Be able to use Septennial and Panorama Charts to summarise life incidents and experiences.
  • Understand the 3-fold human being in relation to the human life journey.
  • Understand the 4-fold human being and the development of consciousness.
  • Be able to apply different lenses of analysis to personal life data.
  • Increase observation skills on 4 different levels of observation.

Please Note

  • Our Foundation Course is a pre-requisite for those interested in our Online Training Program.
  • It is recommended for those interested in completing any of our Adult Learning Courses for personal and/or professional development – either as Learning Packs, or as Entire Courses (Learning Packs with online guided sessions).

Next Dates

Purchase the Study Guide at any time to get started.
The related online real-time training sessions are scheduled for
29 Aug to 1 Sep 2024
23 to 26 Jan 2025
11 to 14 Sep 2025

Enrolment & Fees

Contact   holisticbiographywork.com

Learning Pack only

Enrol   any time to receive your Learning Pack for self-paced independent study.
Dates   start at any time
Fee   90 AUD – go to our Shop
Includes   Study Guide, personalised copy of our Biography Log-book, video Lectures and other learning materials.

Entire course

Includes   The above plus 20-hours online facilitated group-work in groups of 3 to 5.
Dates   Check our Course Dates page for dates and fees
Days   Thu to Sun
Time   Afternoons, Australian time
Fee   380 AUD, includes Learning Pack

If you are looking for more
We offer a 13-module 3-year Training Program.
Table of Training Modules