We reflect on our work in 2022 ...
Supporting Trainees in our 4 different Training Programs; Starting a Mentoring Program for Graduates, learning to run courses and trainings themselves in Mandarin or English; Celebrating the Graduates and Mentees from our 3rd Training Cycle in India at the end of their 3 or 6 years of study; Acknowledging the successful graduates of our Life Phases Course at the Sydney Rudolf Steiner College; Launching our Biography Log-book translated into German and simplified Chinese; Congratulating the Graduates from the 11th Training Cycle in Germany - the last cycle from Karl-Heinz in Germany; Handing over the German Training to a new team - Gemma, Juergen and Rita; Saying Good-bye to German colleagues at a German Biography Gathering ...
And we look forward to the busy-ness of 2023 ...
Welcoming a new group of first years in our International Online Training Program - last minute enrolments are still possible; For the first time, teaching all 12 Modules of our Training Program within one year, and also offering them as stand-alone courses; Offering our first Adult Learning course, Guiding Groups, in English; Organising a mid-year Online Biography Gathering in association with colleagues in India, Taiwan and Japan.
In other news ...
- Our Steiner verses set to music are being transcribed for sharing.
- Our Trainees are completing their Biography projects which will make for wonderful reading next month.
Our warmest regards and seasonal greetings Karl-Heinz Finke & Laura Summerfield