Holistic Biography Work - Newsletter 2023-05
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International Online Biography Workshops & Training International Online Biography Workshops & Training
Biography Online - May 2023

Good day,

Our Taiwanese colleagues have asked us to extend the Early Bird (110 AUD) enrolment for the International Online Biography Gathering until 14 May, and we did.

This Newsletter introduces Martha Koelman, a presenter to the Gathering, and Trainer for the Masterclass on
An Anthroposophical Perspective on Mental Health Issues.
The Early Bird enrolment for this 4-day online course ends on 21 May.

With warmest wishes,
Karl-Heinz Finke & Laura Summerfield

An Anthroposophic Perspective on Mental Health Issues

This detailed exploration will include the following themes:
❈  Ailments from the Body  ❈  Functional Constitution  ❈  Affective Disorders  ❈  Eating Disorders  ❈  Personality Disorders  ❈  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder  ❈  Anxiety Disorders and Phobias  ❈  Trauma  ❈ Study of the Human Being – Widening the view on Trauma  ❈  Schizophrenia  ❈  Delusion and Reality  ❈  Practices for Inner/Spiritual Growth

Online - Thu 22 to Sun 25 June 2023
4 days - 4 hours each day

This Masterclass deepens the introduction presented by Martha Koelman during the Biography Gathering. Participants will receive her 2 Gathering lectures before the Masterclass begins.
Recommended for practitioners with a special interest in mental health challenges and crises. 

Fee - 190 AUD, Early bird fee 140 AUD ends 21 May
Enrol via our Web Shop
View/Download program and time-plan

Introducing Martha Koelman
The human being as a unity of body, soul and spirit is so intuitively perceptible and yet, as I was made to realize during my medical studies, initially at the Charité Berlin, so little has been incorporated into conventional medicine. Although Uexküll paved the way for the joint conception of both psyche and soma with the introduction of psychosomatic medicine, the two still fall completely apart in everyday medical practice. The body-soul problem still seems to me to be the central theme of medicine and especially of psychiatry. I found my deep conviction reflected and described in Steiner's approaches in a way that seems to me unique in its diversity of perspectives and clarity. Anthroposophical medicine understands itself as a complementary medical direction, which on the one side uses the current scientific standard and at the same time draws on deep knowledge of the ancient Vedas, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Four Elements teachings. The third element, the spirit of the human being, is revealed in their biography! In my work as a psychiatrist, biographical exploration was part of the daily patient intake, which I always felt was a great gift. I soon realised that a person's biography can be asked merely as a string of dead, past facts, or as a living, unfolding being, which then presents itself in a completely different way in its formation. Learning and deepening this way of asking questions differently, of listening and feeling and looking differently, led me to the decision to train in biography work. I now work as a biography consultant in my own practice at the Therapeutikum Cologne, in addition to teaching at the Alanus University in Alfter and the University of Witten/Herdecke.

We look forward to joining with our international colleagues and students in June for the
International Biography Gathering
Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 June 2023
Online - in Mandarin and English

Lectures and small group discussion,
4 days - 5 hours each day

Enrol until 14 May for the special Early Bird Fee of 110 AUD.

Click here for the latest brochure and program
Usual Fee - 140 AUD,
Concession 90 AUD available by request for students of Biography Trainings and members of participating organisations.

Enrol via our Web Shop.

Online Training Program - 2024

Email us for information on our 2024 intake.
Click here for our latest br

Pre-requisite is one of our Foundation Courses:
EITHER of these online sessions available -
Thu 14 - Sun 17 Sep 2023, 16:00-21:00 AEST, OR
Thu 25 - Sun 28 Jan 2024, 17:00-22:00 AEDT

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Living Way... Holistic Biography Work
62 Wattle Str, Lyneham, ACT 2602, Australia
Laura Summerfield – laura@holisticbiographywork.com