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Applying Steiner’s two main Karma Exercises

Destiny – A Life Learning Curriculum

These two courses take a practical approach based on biographical Self-reflection to Destiny and Karma and Rudolf Steiner’s two main Karma Exercises: The 3-Level Karma Exercise and the 4-Day Karma Exercise.

In 1900, at the start of his public lecturing career, Steiner offered lectures on Practical Exercises for the Understanding of Karma. In 1924, one year before his death, her reflects on this time, stating that the above announced lectures were never given, due to a resistance in esoteric the circles. The audience wanted lofty pictures, not practical exercises. During the following 24 years, he comes back to the topic in his writing and lecturing. In 1912, he gives a lecture on Knowledge of reincarnation and karma through Thought-Exercises. (GA135)
In 1924, he concludes with 81 lectures between 25 January and 28 September 1924 published as Karmic Relationships. As part of these lectures, Steiner introduces on 4 & 9 May 1924, his two main Karma Exercises. The 3-Level Karma Exercise explores our Instrument Karma (GA236), what we as a person are made of in Body, Soul and Spirit. The 4-Day Karma Exercise is based on Incident Karma (GA236), exploring the origin of challenges we meet in daily life. Studying Steiner’s biography, I came to realise that he needed 24 years – 3.5 7-year-cycles or Septennials to build an audience with an “I” quality ready for the practical approach. What a drama culminating in the 81 lectures which include his last address to the members of the Anthroposophical Society, considering that bringing a modern, developmental concept of reincarnation and karma, was his most intrinsic mission.
Following his practical approach, we use our own biographies as a database in both modules, trusting Coenraad van Houten’s insight: Karma is the reality we live in.

The core of this practical approach are the facilitated real-time online sessions. And the centre of these online sessions is sharing and exploration in small groups of 3 to 5 participants, facilitated by an experienced group-guide. Some of your group-members will be students of our Biography Training Program.
BGO-23 has 15 hours of online real-time facilitated group-work, for BGO-30 is 40 hours.
To accommodate as many time-zones as possible, we start between 15:00 and 17:00 AEST (Australia) which is early morning in Europa, morning in India, midday in China, Taiwan, the Philippines and Tokyo, and early evening in New Zealand. For the US, it is nighttime.
Find more information on each module by clicking on the course icons below.

Enrolment & Fees

Bundle Fee   760 AUD
Includes the Learning Packs (with all the reading material, lectures, activity sheets, creative activities), and the related Online Sessions with small guided groups.
For online session dates, see our Course Dates page. Both are offered annually.
You can start by ordering the two Learning Packs BGO-23 and BGO-30 for 90 AUD each via our webshop.
After you have seen the material and listened to the linked lectures, you can decide to pay for the online sessions by sending us your enrolment form. We will send you an invoice for 560 AUD.

Enrolment Form   Download before filling in.

Contact   holisticbiographywork.com

BGO-DSL Destiny Learning - Learning from Life - Holistic Biography Work -Front Page
BGO-23 DNK Tile SM

Relates to the 3-Level Karma Exercise
Group-work 18-20 July 2025
580 AUD Bundle | BGO-13 & BGO
Learning Pack 90 AUD

BGO-30 DSL Tile SM

Relates to the 4-Day Karma Exercise
Group-work 9-12 Oct 2025
Bundle | BGO-13 & BGO-30
Learning Pack 90 AUD