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Upcoming & Events

Join our 5th Online Training Program

Enrol for the Foundation Course: Take Charge

Start the preparatory Learning Pack at any time.

Complete with online sessions, Thu. 29 Aug to Sun. 1 Sep 2024 or Thu. 23 to Sun. 26 Jan 2025.
Read more
Working through the Foundation Course Learning Pack including the Online Sessions enables you to start the Training in 2025 with the Typologies Module. Learning Pack available immediately, with online sessions in March. Find all Module Dates here.

Upcoming Online Workshops

Start the preparatory Learning Pack at any time.
Join the related real-time online group-work when it comes up during the year.

Course BGO-33: Process Design

Designing effective learning processes for adults.
Online guided group-work sessions: Fri. 26 to Sun. 28 July 2024

Course BGO-23: Destiny and Karma

Learning holistic concepts of destiny and karma.
Preparation for Course BGO-30 Destiny Learning.
Online guided group-work sessions: Fri 2 to Sun 4 August 2024

Course BGO-13: Communication Skills

Discriminating many elements of listening in human communication.
Preparation for Course BGO-20 The Helping Conversation.
Online guided group-work sessions: Fri 9 to Sun 11 August 2024

Overview on all Modules

Save the Date

Onsite Biography Gathering September 2025
in Bangalore, India

Week 1: Sep 2 to 7      3-day Masterclass
.                                        Facing my Future: Biographies 50 Years Plus
.                                        3-day Collegial Gathering
Week 2: Sep 8 to 13     6-day Optional Excursion
.                                         to Tiruvannamalai and Auroville

About our Online Training Program

Check our –
o   Holistic Biography Training Program
o   Table of Training Modules
o   Foundation Course
o   Courses Dates & Fees
o   Free Learning Pack Sample Communication Skills
o   Free Lecture Sample About Biography Work
Enrolment Form  Download before filling in
Contact   holisticbiographywork.com

Karl-Heinz Finke & Laura Summerfield

Subscribe to our Newsletter

Our Work with Dr Michaela Glöckler continues under the topic:

Five Doorways to Understanding Health and Healing

The Lectures during the Gathering in June 2023 (1) were an introduction to the Five Doorways with a focus on the Physical Body.
The video recordings of these Lectures are available as a Study Guide in our Webshop.
The recordings and lectures from the Gathering in June 2024 (2) on the Etheric Organisation will be available end of July 2024.

A Gathering in June 2025 (3) (13 to 15 June) will explore the
Astral Organisation.
Followed by the
during a workshop in November 2025 (4).
And finally the
Quinta Essentia
in a Gathering in June 2026 (5).

Altogether, these 5 events introduce Michaela Glöckler’s Five Star Archetype.
Our aim is to capture Michaela Glöckler’s unique contribution to Biography Work and create a Study Guide, including reading material, visuals and links to her Lectures, for each part.
The 2023 Study Guide has 100 pages with links to 3 Lectures by Michaela Glöckler.
Click here to view 28 sample pages from June 2023.


Dr Michaela Glöckler

Enrolment for these Events

You can signal your interest at anytime via Email

Early Bird enrolments with payment via our webshop will start 4 Months before the event.