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Destiny and Karma – Learning Pack


Destiny and Karma – Learning holistic concepts of destiny and karma. Differentiating Instrument karma and Incident karma.

This Learning Pack consists of a Study Guide with background reading and activities. There are Lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke to support learning.
Approximately 40 hours of self-paced study.
It is the first part of our 2 Modules on understanding destiny and karma, and is followed by Destiny Learning. The second Part, Destiny Learning, extends the learning of this first module.

Explores many questions related to destiny and karma. The study resources in this Learning Pack provide the preparation for our following Module, Destiny Learning.

You will come to understand destiny sign-posts and the work of the Double or Shadow. You will learn to discriminate two different kinds of karma – one related to how we have been ‘tuned’ through previous incarnations and the time between death and re-birth as an ‘instrument’. Another related to the kinds of incidents that come to meet us. You will  learn to observe life incidents which repeat unsuccessful patterns.

Work through this Learning Pack if you are interested in deepening your understanding of the practical impact of destiny and karma in our everyday lives. This Learning Pack also prepares to practise the first steps of a destiny learning process within a small group, either within the online sessions that we offer, or within a Study group. The second module on this theme, Destiny Learning, guides you through a 7-step destiny learning process.