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The Helping Conversation – Learning Pack


The Helping Conversation – Deep Listening and empathy in encounter. Practising 3 levels and 7 qualities in helping conversations.

This Learning Pack consists of a Study Guide with reading and activities. There are Lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke.
Approximately 60 hours of self-paced study.
It is the second Part of our 2 Modules on the communication skills that underlie The Helping Conversation, and builds on the Communication Skills Learning Pack. The latter is recommended as a starting point.

Deepens the understanding of the communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) and the listening skills (reflective and deep listening) that are essential in a Helping Conversation. The study resources in this Learning Pack build on the micro-skills developed within the module, Communication Skills.

This module integrates the ability to listen reflectively and perceive the other on 3 levels – Thinking, Feeling, Will.
Develop skills in empathic listening and develop the capacity for Intuition. Learn how to create open spaces and use open questions in work with others. Apply planetary qualities to assess and enrich encounters. Learn how to hold a 4-step process for a Helping Conversation.

Work through this Learning Pack if you are interested in deepening your capacity to be helpful in conversation with others in any setting. You will learn more about working with 3 levels and 7 qualities. This Learning Pack also prepares you for practising your skills within a small group, either as part of our online sessions, or within a Study group.