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Life Trials – Free Activity Pack


Life Trials Activity Pack

We offer a FREE copy of an Activity Pack that relates to Life Trials – Fire, Water and Air Trials.
This will allow you to explore the dynamics of these elements and their related trials in your life journey.
It is available as a FREE download from our Web Shop.
Please note: It was expanded and revised in May 2023.



This Activity Pack was created as part of our course, Trials and Thresholds – Awakening to the initiation through life. it offers some background information and activities to explore of the 3 Elements of Fire, Water and Air, and the Trials associated with them that we experience as part of our life journey.

The Learning Pack for our course Trials and Thresholds is also available from our Web Shop. Online sessions (15 hours) related to this course are available each year, and the next will be in May 2024.