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Destiny Learning – Learning Pack


Destiny Learning – Learning from Life. Identifying karmic keys and destiny events.

This Learning Pack consists of a Study Guide with background reading and activities. There are Lectures from Karl-Heinz Finke to support learning.
Approximately 60 hours of self-paced study.
It is the second part of our 2 Modules on understanding destiny and karma, and extends the learning of the first module, Destiny and Karma. It is highly recommended that Destiny and Karma be completed first.

Explores individual examples of repeated unsuccessful patterns that may be related to destiny and karma. The study resources in this Learning Pack follow on from our Destiny and Karma module.

You will experience and apply a 7-step transformative process in working with unsuccessful patterns. You will be able to notice karma and destiny events operating as part of everyday life, and as a spiritual reality. You will become more conscious of the karmic keys in everyday life.

Work through this Learning Pack if you are interested in learning practical skills in working with destiny and karma. This Learning Pack also prepares you to work with the 7-step destiny learning process within a small group, either within the online sessions that we offer, or within a Study group. The first module on this theme, Destiny and Karma, is recommended as your starting point.