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An Anthroposophical Perspective on Mental Health


A comprehensive Resource Guide, with Dr Martha Koelman.

An exploration of many mental health issues from an anthroposophical perspective.
Practical, detailed and informative.
In English. Video Lectures, with all associated Visuals.
Supports those with a special interest in mental health challenges and crises.

Click here for a free Sample Download (37 pages).


A Resource Guide summarising a Master Class with Dr Martha Koelman.

This comprehensive Resource Guide is recommended for those with a special interest in mental health challenges and crises, including: health & allied health practitioners, counsellors, teachers, life coaches, biography consultants.
Use this Resource Guide to learn a helpful framework to understand a range of mental health issues from an anthroposophical perspective. It includes links to 10 Lectures, Q&A sessions, 2 Case Studies, and all associated Visuals.

Lectures Topics include:
Anthroposophical Psychology of Body, Soul and Spirit; The Soul – its Relationships and Activities; Anthroposphical Understanding of Disease; Ailments from the Body; Functional Constitution; Affective Disorders; Eating Disorders; Personality Disorders; Anxiety Disorders and Phobias; Trauma; Schizophrenia; Delusion and Reality.

After payment, you may download the Resource Guide directly. We will then manually add you, with the email address provided, to the Resource Folder than contains the Lectures,